I am using Twig as templating engine and I am really loving it. However, now I have run in a situation which definitely mustbe accomplishable in a simpler way than I have found.
What I have right now is this:
{% for myVar in someArray %}
{% set found = 0 %}
{% for id, data in someOtherArray %}
{% if id == myVar %}
{{ myVar }} exists within someOtherArray.
{% set found = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if found == 0 %}
{{ myVar }} doesn't exist within someOtherArray.
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
What I am looking for is something more like this:
{% for myVar in someArray %}
{% if myVar is in_array(array_keys(someOtherArray)) %}
{{ myVar }} exists within someOtherArray.
{% else %}
{{ myVar }} doesn't exist within someOtherArray.
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Is there a way to accomplish this which I haven’t seen yet?
If I need to create my own extension, how can I access myVar within the test function?
Thanks for your help!