I’m running a multi-author wp site and I’m looking for a plugin that adds a “Follow me” button near the author name so the user can follow his favourite author. I need also to display the other users that are are following the author (i.e. “38 people are following Author_name -> click to view users).
I know there is buddypress, but I’m looking for something lighter and stand-alone.
Hi @Andy:
Are you up for developing something in PHP and jQuery? It should’t be too hard to add a button that would do an AJAX submit to add
How many total followers do you except anyone to have on your site. If the number is less than 1000 you might get away with just storing a comma separated list of user_id
fields in a wp_usermeta
value, or you could add one record in each wp_usermeta
record per follower.
All in all, not a super big project?