I’m trying to create some pretty URLs for links querying multiple taxonomies. I’m using the “Taxonomy drill-down” plugin, although the main usage is now integrated @ the core it still has some helpful function for templating 🙂
An example URL querying multiple taxonomies ( working ) would be:
My goal is to have links like –
domain.com/tax1/foo/tax2/bar – translating to the above example
tax1/2 = taxonomy name
foo/bar = required term
I stumbled upon Examples of WP Rewrites but i think i suck with those patterns and something like:
$newrules['tax1/(.*)/tax2/(.*)/'] = 'index.php?tax1=$matches[1]&tax2=$matches[2]';
doesn’t seem to work ( that’s just a portion of the whole function based on the WordPress example )
Any ideas? 🙂