I have a custom plugin, using a custom post type for data entry capabilities in the admin section. I would like to use a textarea form, along with the checkboxes, select and text input fields I am presently using. However when I update the bost, my call back receives all the other input fields, not not the textarea field.

The code is rather large, covering lots of different input types, this is a refinement of that draw and save call:

function  CustomInput()
add_meta_box( 'List_Group1',
           __( 'Lists - Card Records : Manual Input', 'myplugin_textdomain'  ),
 add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'CustomInput' );
 add_action( 'save_post', 'SaveFields');

function DrawCallBack($post)
$Record = GetDBRecord();
echo '<textarea id="bizdesc" rows="2" cols="50">';
echo $Record['BizDescp'];
echo  '</textarea>';

echo '<input type=text id="YourName" name="YourName"  value="' .$Record['Name'] .'"/>'

function SaveFields($post_id)
$screen = get_current_screen();
if(strcmp($screen->post_type, 'customlist') !=0)

$Desc = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'bizdesc ' ] ); 
$Name = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'YourName' ] ); 

The standard input field comes in nicely and correctly. The textarea field does not. Not sure why?

Any ideas?

2 Answers

You forgot to add name ="bizdesc" to your textarea, so this

function DrawCallBack($post)
  $Record = GetDBRecord();
  echo '<textarea id="bizdesc" rows="2" cols="50">';
  echo $Record['BizDescp'];
  echo  '</textarea>';

  echo '<input type=text id="YourName" name="YourName"  value="' .$Record['Name'] .'"/>'

should be

 function DrawCallBack( $post )
  $Record = GetDBRecord();
  echo '<textarea name="bizdesc" id="bizdesc" rows="2" cols="50">';
  echo esc_textarea( $Record['BizDescp'] );
  echo  '</textarea>';

  echo '<input type="text" id="YourName" name="YourName"  value="' .esc_attr( $Record['Name'] ) .'"/>';

I hope this helps.

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