I have created a custom banner image block for Gutenberg, which works great, but
I want to know if it is possible to use the page title as the current banner text
placeholder until it has been edited?
My Edit function is
return [
el('div', {className:'header-banner'},
el( "div",{
className: 'banner-image',
style: { backgroundImage: 'url('+attributes.mediaURL+')' }
attributes.title || isSelected ? el(RichText, {
key: 'editable',
tagName: "h1",
className: "banner-title",
//Can i add the page title in here if it is avaiable??
//placeholder: i18n.__('Write title…'),
value: attributes.title,
onChange: function onChange(value) {
return props.setAttributes({ title: value });
inlineToolbar: true
}) : null
Thanks 🙂