I’m using the curl php library to get the instagram json feed from a given public profile. I want to use wp_remote_get() because on the host I’m using for this project, I don’t have the ability to use curl to request the json feed, I’ve noticed that my actual plugin script will work well on localhost, on netsons and aruba but not on tophost.

I don’t know if the function included in wordpress will do the same thing so my question is, will wp_remote_get() return to me the json feed if I provide the instagram url? See the example above:

$feed = wp_remote_get('https://www.instagram.com/profile/?__a=1');

1 Answer

Yes, it will do the same thing.

Taken from the official docs:

/** @var array|WP_Error $response */
$response = wp_remote_get( 'http://www.example.com/index.html' );

if ( is_array( $response ) && ! is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
    $headers = $response['headers']; // array of http header lines
    $body    = $response['body']; // use the content


Wether it will work for you though, is a different story. If both curl and javascript are returning null, I don’t believe the problem is in the tool used to make the request, but rather what/how you’re requesting it.

If your code works everywhere, but does not work on your current host, then you need to speak with your host. Making the same request in a different way is unlikely to help.

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