On my site I’ve got two types of users, Subscribers and Partners.
I’ve used Cimy User Extra Fields to add additional fields to the registration form. I’ve also used a plugin called WP Roles at Registration. This plugin adds a drop down box on the registration form so when a user registers they can pick their own role.
What I want to be able to do is, if a user selects Subscriber as their role they become registered and can use their account as normal. However if a user selects Partner, the account needs to be reviewed and approved by an editor before they can use it, to ensure they are actually a Partner.
The reason I say it needs to be approved by an editor is because the people who will be using it won’t have access to an admin account.
It also needs to send an email to an editor to tell them the account needs to be approved and possibly send an email to the user once their account has been approved.
Is there anyway I can do this?