so far I’ve used extensively LESS and BootStrap for many of my sites. However, I decided to start using Zurb Foundation as it seem more powerful, especially with the latest release (5).

With LESS, what I have always done was installing WP-Less, a plugin that uses phpLess library to compile .less stylesheets by looking at whatever .less file was enqueued using wp_enqueue_style() function within my WordPress theme. So if I made any editing on my main .less file and its dependanciens/inclusions, etc. and updloaded it on my server, WP-Less would notice that and recompile for me a new .css stylesheet, which is served to the end users. Magic!

I understood that Foundation is based on SASS and Compass. But these require ruby to run? Is there any equivalent of WP-Less for Foundation? Like, I enqueue .sass stylesheet and I have a library compiling for me the resulting .css if there’s an update? So I can just do my edits locally, upload to the server and have my final stylesheet(s) recompiled automagically?

Sorry if I made any stupid assumptions, but this is how I had been working with LESS and BootStrap and it was rather efficient to me.

Thank you

1 Answer

Have you tried wp-sass I haven’t tried the latest version, but I got it working locally for testing with Foundation 4.

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