I am developing a simple PHP script that will send emails to users.
The script is located outside of WP directory and its run through a cronjob.
Example cron job call:

php /PATH/TO/SCIRPT/script.php >> /PATH/TO/SCIRPT/history.log

and here’s part of the code:


require_once "/PATH/TO/WP/wp-load.php";

$res = wp_mail('email', 'title', 'body');

When I use PHP CLI to run the script $res is always false. But if I run the same script from the web it works just fine.

Below are the server details:
ubuntu 16.04lts up-to-date with php 7.0.28-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (cli) ( NTS )

Any help will be much appreciated.



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