I’m trying to verify that the nonce I created exists but for some reason it keeps returning false, why is this happening?
Creating my nonce:
<?php wp_nonce_field('test_slider_action','test_slider_options_nonce'); ?>
Verifying my nonce exists:
if($_POST && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['test_slider_options_nonce']))
echo "TEST";
if I dump my $_REQUEST
I get the correct value, but if I dump my wp_verify_nonce it returns false. If it matters, both my $_POST
check and form / nonce creation is on the same page. What else do I need to get it to verify?
1 Answer
You need to pass the action to check your nonce against, wp_verify_nonce has two parameters.
if($_POST && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['test_slider_options_nonce'],'test_slider_action'))
echo "TEST";