I’ve been playing around with Docker for a while and keep on finding the same issue when dealing with persistent data.

I create my Dockerfile and expose a volume or use --volumes-from to mount a host folder inside my container.

What permissions should I apply to the shared volume on the host?

I can think of two options:

  • So far I’ve given everyone read/write access, so I can write to the folder from the Docker container.

  • Map the users from host into the container, so I can assign more granular permissions. Not sure this is possible though and haven’t found much about it. So far, all I can do is run the container as some user: docker run -i -t -user="myuser" postgres, but this user has a different UID than my host myuser, so permissions do not work. Also, I’m unsure if mapping the users will pose some security risks.

Are there other alternatives?

How are you guys/gals dealing with this issue?

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