What resources exist for Database performance-tuning? [closed]

What good resources exist for understanding database tuning on the major engines and advancing your knowledge in that area?

The idea of this question is to collect the shed load of resources that invariably exist, so that people can have a “one stop” knowledge shop of the good, peer approved resources.

General SQL

  • Book: SQL Performance Tuning
  • Book: SQL Tuning
  • Book: The Art of SQL
  • Book: Refactoring SQL Applications
  • Book: Database tuning: principles, experiments, and troubleshooting techniques
  • Use The Index, Luke! – A Guide to database performance for developers

PostgreSQL (wiki) (PGsearch)

  • Performance Optimization
  • Quick PostgreSQL Optimization
  • Explain Analyze Interpreter
  • PostgreSQL Performance Tips
  • Book: PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance


  • Hidden Features of MySQL
  • Book: High Performance MySQL / Blog: High Performance MySQL
  • Blog: Xaprb (for MySQL DBAs)


  • How to ask Oracle tuning questions on StackOverflow
  • How do you interpret a query’s explain plan?
  • Oracle Advanced Tuning Scripts
  • Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide
  • Ask Tom
  • Oracle Database SQL Reference
  • Book: Understanding Oracle Performance
  • Book: Optimizing Oracle Performance
  • Book: Troubleshooting Oracle Performance
  • Book: Cost-Based Oracle Fundamentals

MS SQL Server

  • SQL Server Performance
  • eBook: High Performance SQL Server
  • SO Question: What are the best SQL Server performance optimization techniques?
  • Brent Ozar’s Perf Tuning Page
  • SqlServerPedia’s Perf Tuning Page
  • Book: Sql Server 2008 Internals
  • How to Identify Slow Running Queries with SQL Profiler

Sybase SQL Anywhere

  • Blog: SQL Anywhere
  • Book: SQL Anywhere Studio 9 Developer’s Guide


  • JDBC Performance Tips

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