An implicit question to newcomers to Scala seems to be: where does the compiler look for implicits? I mean implicit because the question never seems to get fully formed, as if there weren’t words for it. 🙂 For example, where do the values for integral below come from?

scala> import scala.math._
import scala.math._

scala> def foo[T](t: T)(implicit integral: Integral[T]) {println(integral)}
foo: [T](t: T)(implicit integral: scala.math.Integral[T])Unit

scala> foo(0)

scala> foo(0L)

Another question that does follow up to those who decide to learn the answer to the first question is how does the compiler choose which implicit to use, in certain situations of apparent ambiguity (but that compile anyway)?

For instance, scala.Predef defines two conversions from String: one to WrappedString and another to StringOps. Both classes, however, share a lot of methods, so why doesn’t Scala complain about ambiguity when, say, calling map?

Note: this question was inspired by this other question, in the hopes of stating the problem in a more general manner. The example was copied from there, because it is referred to in the answer.

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