Where is this CSS code?

I mean the margin-top: 46px !important!;
I need to change it to 1px to rid of top margin. But i didn’t found it in any theme’s files.

Note: I have searched the texts in all files using FileSeek Pro. But didn’t found anything. (even with Inspect Element in the Firefox)

enter image description here

3 Answers

The CSS code you’re seeing is added by core of WP when admin bar is showing.

The function that outputs it is called _admin_bar_bump_cb() and it’s called as hook on wp_head.

So how to get rid of it? Just remove this action from that hook:

function remove_admin_bar_bump() {
   remove_action( 'wp_head', '_admin_bar_bump_cb' );
add_action('get_header', 'remove_admin_bar_bump');

Then you can add it in your CSS and use body.admin-bar as context if you want to add some styles only if the admin bar is visible.

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