I’m looking to find a theme foundry (ie. woothemes, elegant themes) that has themes that are very well coded; where “code is poetry”. To be more precise, I’m looking for themes coded in “the wordpress way” – similar to how Twenty Ten, Eleven and _s themes are coded.
My experience buying and then subsequently modifying themes bought from theme forest was been quite traumatic! The themes look fantastic in the demo (ie. dandelion theme) but then you look at how the theme is coded and it’s a tragic mess. Nothing like the elegance and thoughtfulness put into themes like twenty ten or the new starter theme _s.
I am a wordpress developer, so I’m often wanting to go into functions.php, style.css or page templates and change and modify things for a client. Having to work around spagetti code and strange coding practices used in many premium themes wastes a lot of time.
So, which theme foundry has the very clean code that is the most similar to default wordpress themes? And for this question I’ll just assume they are all beautiful, simple and elegant. Knowing if the themes are responsive would be a bonus.
Please respond if you have real experience with customizing theme code.