As far as I know, reference/pointer aliasing can hinder the compiler’s ability to generate optimized code, since they must ensure the generated binary behaves correctly in the case where the two references/pointers indeed alias. For instance, in the following C code,

void adds(int  *a, int *b) {
    *a += *b;
    *a += *b;

when compiled by clang version 6.0.0-1ubuntu2 (tags/RELEASE_600/final) with the -O3 flag, it emits

0000000000000000 <adds>:
   0:    8b 07                    mov    (%rdi),%eax  # load a into EAX
   2:    03 06                    add    (%rsi),%eax  # load-and-add b
   4:    89 07                    mov    %eax,(%rdi)  # store into a
   6:    03 06                    add    (%rsi),%eax  # load-and-add b again
   8:    89 07                    mov    %eax,(%rdi)  # store into a again
   a:    c3                       retq

Here the code stores back to (%rdi) twice in case int *a and int *b alias.

When we explicitly tell the compiler that these two pointers cannot alias with the restrict keyword:

void adds(int * restrict a, int * restrict b) {
    *a += *b;
    *a += *b;

Then Clang will emit a more optimized version that effectively does *a += 2 * (*b), which is equivalent if (as promised by restrict) *b isn’t modified by assigning to *a:

0000000000000000 <adds>:
   0:    8b 06                    mov    (%rsi),%eax   # load b once
   2:    01 c0                    add    %eax,%eax     # double it
   4:    01 07                    add    %eax,(%rdi)   # *a += 2 * (*b)
   6:    c3                       retq

Since Rust makes sure (except in unsafe code) that two mutable references cannot alias, I would think that the compiler should be able to emit the more optimized version of the code.

When I test with the code below and compile it with rustc 1.35.0 with -C opt-level=3 --emit obj,

#![crate_type = "staticlib"]
fn adds(a: &mut i32, b: &mut i32) {
    *a += *b;
    *a += *b;

it generates:

0000000000000000 <adds>:
   0:    8b 07                    mov    (%rdi),%eax
   2:    03 06                    add    (%rsi),%eax
   4:    89 07                    mov    %eax,(%rdi)
   6:    03 06                    add    (%rsi),%eax
   8:    89 07                    mov    %eax,(%rdi)
   a:    c3                       retq

This does not take advantage of the guarantee that a and b cannot alias.

Is this because the current Rust compiler is still in development and has not yet incorporated alias analysis to do the optimization?

Is this because there is still a chance that a and b could alias, even in safe Rust?

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