I just installed WordPress 3.0.4 on a GoDaddy hosted server. And I’ve been having a problem with my .htaccess file. For some reason, WordPress automatically erases all the mod_rewrite configuration settings in .htaccess file whenever I view the WP admin page for setting permalinks. Deleting the .htaccess file kinda defeats the purpose of that page.
I’ve been able to do create a workaround by just manually entering the configurations into the .htaccess file and never visiting the permalink configuration page. But this doesn’t feel like a good solution.
Can anyone share thoughts about what might be causing this?
Something else is going on here. WordPress does not erase the contents of the .htaccess file when it writes new permalinks; it appends the new permalink structure to the end of the file.
Do you have anything other code or plugins that uses .htaccess? Are you on a Windows server that does not natively support mod rewrite and as a result requires other ways of enabling mod rewrite and might be the cause of the erasing?
If you want to keep WP from writing/appending to the .htaccess file, set permalinks, make your own changes, and then set .htaccess permissions to 444, and then you can view the permalinks admin page without WP automatically appending to the file. This is what I do.