Why, Where, and When to use reference pointers in filters/hooks? What are the potential cons of not using them when suggested or required? Just looking for a more detailed answer than the codex provides and maybe some real world applications of this.

For example: add_filter('some_wp_filter', array(&$this, 'my_function_to_filter');

1 Answer

The example you give is used when you’re building a plugin/theme using a class.

In normal use, your functions.php file would just have:

function my_function_to_filter( $args ) {
    // ... function stuff here
    return $args;
add_filter('some_wp_filter', 'my_function_to_filter');

If you’re using a class, though, things would look different. You’d likely have a my-class.php file containing:

class My_Class {
    function my_function_to_filter( $args ) {
        // ... function stuff here
        return $args;
    add_filter('some_wp_filter', array(&$this, 'my_function_to_filter'));

In this case, &$this is passing in a reference to the class so that the filter called is the my_function_to_filter function in the current class. You can also do this with static methods if you want to keep your filter calls all in the same place.

So in my-class.php you’d have:

class My_Class {
    static function my_function_to_filter( $args ) {
        // ... function stuff here
        return $args;

And in functions.php or your core plugin file you’d have:

add_filter('some_wp_filter', array('My_Class', 'my_function_to_filter'));

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