I have an issue with WordPress development that I’m sure is a relatively new occurence.

I am on Mac osx sierra 10.12.3. I’m using MAMP PRO 4.1.1. I’m on Chrome 58.0.3029.110 (64 bit).

If I make a change in code for example search.php. Then go back to the browser and refresh it, it often doens’t pick up the change, even with multiple refreshes. I have to wait for around 15 seconds for the change to be picked up.

I’ve tried:

  • doing a hard refresh in chrome
  • using cache killer plugin
  • opening in a new tab
  • different browser firefox
  • WP_CACHE setting to false

In firefox, at first it seems I can make changes which will be picked up immediately until there is an error and then it gets caught on that and I have to wait a while until it picks up a change to fix the error.

However, overall I think the behaviour is the same, which is confusing. It makes me think there is some WordPress cache I don’t know about (I’m not using any caching plugin and cache is off).

Any idea as this is slowly down my development workflow.

Might be something to do with https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19073270/stop-caching-for-php-5-5-3-in-mamp

1 Answer

The problem was to do with MAMP turning on OPCache by default:



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