On a WordPress based website, when I add text using wordpress visual editor or HTML source to a particular page – it gives “page not found error”. I tried by adding some other text and its working fine. Then I typed all the text again and in between kept checking if it is giving any errors. Finally I am able to point to the exact word that is causing problem – from. If I put frm , rom or from it works. Only when I use “from” – it gives page not found error. Another thing, the error is only this page not on any other page. I have used “from” on many other pages and there is no problem at all.

Its a client website and I do not have access to the server. I only have wordpress login/password. Any help would be appreciated.

Update: I even tried HTML entities and it does not work. Right now we are using “fróm” instead of “from” as a workaround.

4 Answers

What form are your pretty permalinks taking, and what is the title of that page? I’ve had something similar happen and it had to do with the page title. Try flushing your permalinks (go to Settings > Permalinks and switch to a different default, save, then switch back again to what you were using).

Though of course this doesn’t explain at all why putting the word ‘from’ in the body of the post would make any difference at all. 🙁

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