I have a single-news
page in WordPress where I am looping over all the posts and conditionally updating the previous and next buttons to exclude certain categories based on the current post’s category ID.
Here is what I have:
<?php if (have_posts()): ?>
<?php while (have_posts()): ?>
<?php the_post(); ?>
<?php if ( in_category(7)) : ?>
$catagory = array(3,5,6,4,1);
<?php endif; ?>
<ul class="pager">
<li class="prev">
echo previous_post_link( "%link", "Previous", true, $catagory );
<li class="next">
echo next_post_link( "%link", "Next", true, $catagory );
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
The problem I’m having is that if a post has 2 categories e.g. 6 and 7, it excludes that post from the link, whereas if the post has only one category e.g. 6 then it does not exclude it.
How do I set it so that it DOES NOT exclude any post that has category 7, regardless of if it has multiple categories.