My website is If you click on the link, Findings, this takes you to my first WordPress page. It appears to work fine until you click on comments, or you try to go to the about page, which is another WordPress page. it stops working and usually gives a database error. Even worse, I cannot get into my WordPress administration. Any idea what’s going on? If you need details please let me know what you need. I can give you the entire Sql file or the wp-config.php if you need it. Thanks!

2 Answers

You probably messed up with the config on the DB

I would like the dump of the config table please, that way i can see the paths to your wp install (i had a similar problem which i solved by manually correcting the fields in DB)


Run this sql query and let me know :

UPDATE `wp_options` SET `option_value` = '' WHERE `option_name` = 'siteurl' OR `option_name` = 'home'

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