I’ve spent hours researching this and still no clarity. I have a multisite installation, using subdomains. The base site is:


Sites inside the network are like this:


I want someone to be able to register their own domain and put this in their browser:


and have it simply work. I want to do this without relying on a plugin – although the plugin WordPress MU Domain Mapping looks to be pure genius, I read every line of code it contains and frankly it scares me. I am trying to eliminate/minimize reliance on 3rd party code.

In researching, I have found questions like this one where the answer mentions this:

WordPress Core hopes to provide Domain Alias Mapping in the future

So, where exactly are we with WP 4.4 and this functionality? I could not find any documentation on this.

Closest thing I could find was this discussion; note the questions at the bottom and one about domain mapping which (as of right now) remains unanswered. I’ve asked a question there too, it’s awaiting moderation…


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