I’m new to WP-CLI. After a lot of Googling and searching in this forum, I haven’t found out which is the command to update both date and time formats.
wp option update……
Thanks for any help!
I’m new to WP-CLI. After a lot of Googling and searching in this forum, I haven’t found out which is the command to update both date and time formats.
wp option update……
Thanks for any help!
The wp-cli command structure would be:
wp option update timezone_string "American/New_York"
Items 3 and 4 are defined by WordPress, a plugin, or other custom code.
Number 4, the value may have only a limited number of valid values. In this case, something other than a standard timezone would cause problems.
Generally speaking, I update the timezone, time format and start of week to Sunday.
wp option update timezone_string "America/New_York"
wp option update time_format "g:i A"
wp option update start_of_week 0
So research your basic WordPress options to determine the option name and the valid values, then structure your command line appropriately.