I’m looking for how to get a class in the wp_get_archives functions to get the current month (when we are in a month archive) just like when we call wp_list_categories, the current category has a “.current-cat” selector for CSS or when we call wp_list_pages we have a ‘.current_page_item’ selector.

3 Answers

Put the following function in your functions.php

function wpse_62509_current_month_selector( $link_html ) {
    $current_month = date("F Y");
    if ( preg_match("https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/".$current_month.'/i', $link_html ) )
        $link_html = preg_replace('/<li>/i', '<li class="current-month">', $link_html );
    return $link_html;

And then add the following line just before calling wp_get_archives()

add_filter( 'get_archives_link', 'wpse_62509_current_month_selector' );

You might also want to remove the filter after calling wp_get_archives() so that it doesn’t mess with other wp_get_archives() or get_archives_link() function calls.

remove_filter( 'get_archives_link', 'wpse_62509_current_month_selector' );

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