I just realized the fallback doesn’t work for my project when a custom menu doesn’t exist. I can’t figure out what I am missing. Here is the code that displays the nav menu:

$menu = wp_nav_menu(
      'menu_class' => 'reset sf-menu',

$menu = str_replace("\n", "", $menu);
$menu = str_replace("\r", "", $menu);
$menu = str_replace("\t", "", $menu);
echo $menu;

here is the test site: http://brainbuzzmedia.com/themes/amplify/styles/charcoal/

1 Answer

You’ve not added a fallback_cb key to the argument array. You also need to add a theme_location key:

php start $menu = wp_nav_menu(
      'menu_class' => 'reset sf-menu',
      'fallback_cb' => 'mytheme_fallback_function' // ADD ME!!!
      'theme_location' => `location_name` // ADD ME, AS DEFINED IN register_nav_menu()

$menu = str_replace("\n", "", $menu);
$menu = str_replace("\r", "", $menu);
$menu = str_replace("\t", "", $menu);
echo $menu;
php end

Alternately, you could wrap your code in an if ( has_nav_menu( 'location_name' ) ) conditional:

if ( has_nav_menu( 'location_name' ) ) {
    echo $menu;
} else {
    // Do something else, like wp_list_pages() or wp_page_menu()


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