xkcd-style graph

So talented people have figured out how to make xkcd style graphs in Mathematica, in LaTeX, in Python and in R already.

How can one use MATLAB to produce a plot that looks like the one above?

What I have tried

I created wiggly lines, but I couldn’t get wiggly axes. The only solution I thought of was to overwrite them with wiggly lines, but I want to be able to change the actual axes. I also could not get the Humor font to work, the code bit used was:

 annotation('textbox',[left+left/8 top+0.65*top 0.05525 0.065],...

For the wiggly line, I experimented with adding a small random noise and smoothing:


But I couldn’t make the white background the appears around them when they intersect…

4 Answers


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