I have noticed my custom taxonomy filters no longer work in the 3.3.1 admin as per these methods:
Adding a Taxonomy Filter to Admin List for a Custom Post Type?
I also discovered that to filter a taxonomy the query string requires both the &taxonomy=whatever
and &term=something
to be passed. Anyone have any experience in this, and solutions to offer?
Here’s some code from the question as an example:
function restrict_listings_by_business() {
global $typenow;
global $wp_query;
if ($typenow=='listing') {
$taxonomy = 'business';
$business_taxonomy = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
'show_option_all' => __("Show All {$business_taxonomy->label}"),
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
'name' => 'business',
'orderby' => 'name',
'selected' => $wp_query->query['term'],
'hierarchical' => true,
'depth' => 3,
'show_count' => true, // Show # listings in parens
'hide_empty' => true, // Don't show businesses w/o listings
function convert_business_id_to_taxonomy_term_in_query($query) {
global $pagenow;
$qv = &$query->query_vars;
if ($pagenow=='edit.php' &&
isset($qv['taxonomy']) && $qv['taxonomy']=='business' &&
isset($qv['term']) && is_numeric($qv['term'])) {
$term = get_term_by('id',$qv['term'],'business');
$qv['term'] = $term->slug;