get user list in admin area

how can I fetch a list of registered users and show it in the admin panel. I know theres the list inside the admin panel already but I’ve added a few tables and I need to show them in a new tab menu inside the admin panel. 1 Answer 1 What you’ve done is incredibly … Read more

Removing the “Popular Terms” area from the Taxonomy Edit Screen in the Admin Area

Personally I really dislike how wordpress shows all the “popular terms” in different sizes on the taxonomy add/edit screen in the admin area. Does anyone know of a way to either remove this entire area completely by adding code to your functions.php file and/or how to just change this specific area so that none of … Read more

wp.template() Not a function

When I console.log(wp) the object only includes: -wp.emoji -wp.heartbeat -wp.svgPainter Script is loaded in the footer and last in the DOM. What am I missing? 2 Answers 2 Ah, I get it. When you enqueue your admin script, add ‘wp-util’ as a dependancy. wp_enqueue_script( ‘script_handle’, plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . ‘script.js’, array( ‘jquery’, ‘wp-util’ ), ‘1.0’, … Read more