I am tired of the tinymce editor in wordpress and I really love the stackoverflow editor which allows me to write with markdown grammar. So I want to write blog with markdown in wordpress.
Now I am using this plugin in my wordpress:
Plugin Name: Markdown QuickTags
Plugin URI: http://brettterpstra.com/code/markdown-quicktags
Description: Replaces the WordPress QuickTags with Markdown-compatible ones
Version: 0.8.2
Author: Brett Terpstra
Author URI: http://brettterpstra.com
License: GPLv2
It replaces the original editor of wordpress and provides a light-weight interface for me to write with markdown. However, compared with Stackoverflow’s editor, it lacks:
The SO editor have auto syntax highlighting. I don’t need to specify which kind of language I am typing in. The Markdown QuickTags plugin do not provide the ability for syntax highlighting, and plugins like Wp-markdown-syntax-highlight requires me to manually add a tag to indicate the type of language. Also, I have no idea if the two plugins could work together.
The SO editor provides live preview, which is the most cool part of SO.
Is there any wordpress plugin(s), or combination of plugins that can meet my requirement? I personally could do some development but I know little about php and js, so it’s really hard for me to write one from scratch (or from the two plugins I mentioned above).
Point 1 above is the most important. And I don’t care if the plugin auto-converts markdown to html, or requires me to click a button like “render” before publishing.