How can I translate the name of plugin for other languages? For example:

When WordPress is in pt-BR language, the plugin would be “Meu plugin”.

If the WordPress is in en-XX language, the plugin name would be “My plugin”.


1 Answer

After searching a little bit more, I found that in the generation of the .pot file, the strings of plugin header already appear there. The tool I used to generate .pot file for my plugin was this command of wp-cli:

I don’t know if another tools to make plugin translation do that. The reason to use wp-cli instead of POEdit looks like .pot file generation is a premium feature of this kind of software ( version 1.6.11 tested in Windows 10).

So, basically with the .pot file (my-plugin-textdomain.pot) of your plugin and the translation of that (my-plugin-textdomain-language.po and You should load that using in your plugin file:

function my_plugin_init(){
   load_plugin_textdomain('my-plugin-text-domain', false, 'my-plugin-folder/languages');

add_action('init', 'my_plugin_init');


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