In the old WordPress that I had, the writer (a type of user that could not publish) was, after an article was schedule, unable to go back to the article and edit it. But now in WordPress 8.1 they (the writers) are able to go back and edit a schedule article. Is there a way to stop this?

writer = contributor

2 Answers

Me, like @fischi think that filter 'user_has_cap' is the best choiche for the pourpose, however, I think that is better to the work, regardless the $_GET post or action: WordPress check the meta cabability on a per-post basis, using an additional argument.

In few words, when filtering 'user_has_cap' for a meta capability (see we have access to the post ID, and using it we can prevent an user edit or delete a specific post.

add_filter( 'user_has_cap', 'no_edit_prending_for_contrib', 9999, 3 );

function no_edit_prending_for_contrib ( $allcaps, $caps, $args ) {
  // an arry of action we want to prevent
  $prevent = array('edit_posts', 'delete_posts');

  // we are not checking for edit a post, do nothing
  if ( ! array_intersect( $prevent, (array) $caps ) ) return $allcaps; 

  // we are not checking for a specific post, do nothing
  if ( ! isset( $args[2] ) || ! is_numeric( $args[2] ) ) return $allcaps;

  // the user has the capability to edit published posts, do nothing
  if ( array_key_exists( 'edit_published_posts', (array) $allcaps ) ) return $allcaps;

  // if the post is not a future one, do nothing
  if ( get_post_status( $args[2] ) !== 'future' ) return $allcaps;

  // if we are here we have to prevent user to edit or delete post
  if ( isset($allcaps['edit_posts']) ) unset($allcaps['edit_posts']);
  if ( isset($allcaps['delete_posts']) ) unset($allcaps['delete_posts']);
  return $allcaps;

Using this code the contributors will be still able to see the pending posts, but in read only way, just like the posts published by other users.

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