How do you add custom taxonomy capabilities exactly?

I can’t see to get it. The capabilities fail to appear when using plugins like “Capability Manager” or “Members” to view a list of available capabilities. This is the code I’m attempting to use: add_action( ‘init’, ‘register_taxonomy_spot_tag’ ); function register_taxonomy_spot_tag() { $labels = array( ‘name’ => _x( ‘Spot Tags’, ‘spot tag’ ), ‘singular_name’ => _x( … Read more

Allow contributors to moderate comments comments on posts they write

I run a multi-author wordpress site where we have a large number of contributors that can write articles, which are published after they are reviewed by an editor. (This is all standard wordpress behaviour). What I would like to do is give the contributors the ability to moderate comments on the posts which they write, … Read more

Allow Administrator role access to custom capabilities [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here: Apply custom role capabilities to administrator (without plugin) (1 answer) Closed 9 years ago. I’m currently developing a WordPress business directory plugin with a ‘business’ custom post type. I have it creating a custom ‘business_author’ user role on activation and assigning specific capabilities to that role but it … Read more

Unify the roles and caps?

I installed several plugins(buddypress-docs,achievement,bbpress), each one create capabilities for their own post_type. I would prefer to make all roles and capabilities unified into one system, Is there a solution to overwrite all existing caps and control all post_types? Eventually I would like to organize users by group, and assign each user group different caps across … Read more

Users with custom roles can’t read each other’s comments

My site has a custom role (“coach”) with its own set of capabilities (via map_meta_cap along with a few built-in roles). Each user is assigned a page on the site that they “own” and can edit (via a front-end editor). Each page has comments (rebranded as “reviews”). This system works pretty well, except for one … Read more