I am using wp site where registered users have authors roles.

I want authors to have permissions to edit their own comments. Now only admin user have capability to edit comments and even editors do not have this capability.

I tried plugins like Role Scoper or Members but they don’t have this capabilities

2 Answers

The role needs “edit_post” capability to edit comments (the reason beeing that comments are posts for wordpress)
–> do your authors have “edit_post” capability?
this enables the role to edit posts also, which might not be desired.

WordPress capabilites are weird.
There exists a meta capability ‘edit_comment’, but its not very intuitive. As far as I understand it currently, you can not directly assign it to a user (you can assign “edit_comment” capability, but it seems to be treated as custom created capability and therefore ignored..

I tried to let my subscribers edit their own comments, but

$subscriber= get_role('subscriber'); 

seems to have no effect for me, you can try it for authors but it probably won’t do the trick.

read this:

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