I am setting up a meta box that controls the number of ingredients for a recipe. As each recipe will have a different number of ingredients I decided to use a simple text input and button to set the number of ingredients and have jQuery dynamically add the inputs for that “X” number.
I know I need to use jQuery form but am unsure of how to return the html into the meta box correctly. I have a response div set up but not sure how to handle the html.
Can i pass the value from the text input into a php function that uses a for loop to print out all the inputs for the ingredients? Or do I need to print all of the html with jQuery?
Hope that makes sense.
my jQuery that works:
var num = jQuery('input:text[name=_num_ingredients]').val();
var sections="";
for(var i=1;i<=num;i++){
section = '<div id="ingredient-' + i + '" class="ingredient-input">\n';
section += '<div class="ingredient-amount alignleft">\n';
section += '<label for="_ingredient_amount_' + i + '">Amount: </label>\n';
section += '<input type="text" name="_ingredient_amount_' + i + '" /> \n';
section += '</div>\n';
section += '<div class="ingredient-measurement alignleft">\n';
section += '<label for="_ingredient_measurement_' + i + '">Measurement: </label>\n';
section += '<input type="text" name="_ingredient_measurement_' + i + '" /> \n';
section += '</div>\n';
section += '<div class="ingredient-name alignleft">\n';
section += '<label for="_ingredient_name_' + i + '">Ingredient: </label>\n';
section += '<input type="text" name="_ingredient_name_' + i + '" /> \n';
section += '</div>\n';
section += '<div class="clear"></div>\n';
section += '</div>\n';
sections += section;
}//end for
//add the new input sections
//show the ingredients inputs
return false;
But now I can’t figure out how to save the meta data correctly.
Here’s my for loop:
//loop through all ingredients and update them accordingly
for($i=1; $i<=$num; $i++):
//set ingredients array for each iteration
$post_meta['_ingredient_amount_'.$i] = $_POST['_ingredient_amount_'.$i];
$post_meta["{$meas}"] = $_POST["{$meas}"];
$post_meta[$name] = $_POST[$name];
//update meta data
foreach( $post_meta as $key => $value ):
if( $value ):
if( get_post_meta( $post_id, $key, FALSE) ): // If the custom field already has a value
update_post_meta( $post_id, $key, $value );
else: // If the custom field doesn't have a value
add_post_meta( $post_id, $key, $value );
//delete_post_meta( $post_id, $key ); // Delete if blank
I know I am missing something in the syntax to get the $_POST values. Any ideas?
I was failing to pass the $post variable into my function – silly me. Now it all works correctly. Thanks for all your help!