I would like to allow certain HTML elements in my comments and have edited kses.php directly in the past.

However, I have been hacked recently and replaced all the core WordPress files and feel I would like to avoid editing those files.

Is it possible to allow more elements via the functions.php file?

1 Answer

Here is an example how to allow a commenter to insert HTML5 video into the comment. Both <video> and <source> elements has two allowed attributes. preprocess_comment filter is applied when saving the comment to the DB.

See /wp-includes/kses.php for $allowedtags array structure.

function myAllowHtmlComments($comment) {
    global $allowedtags; 
    $allowedtags['video'] = array(
        'width' => true,
        'height' => true
    $allowedtags['source'] = array(
        'src' => true,
        'type' => true
    return $comment;

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