I’m finding that I need to update my page to my scope manually more and more since building an application in angular.
The only way I know of to do this is to call $apply()
from the scope of my controllers and directives. The problem with this is that it keeps throwing an error to the console that reads :
Error: $digest already in progress
Does anyone know how to avoid this error or achieve the same thing but in a different way?
From a recent discussion with the Angular guys on this very topic: For future-proofing reasons, you should not use $$phase
When pressed for the “right” way to do it, the answer is currently
$timeout(function() {
// anything you want can go here and will safely be run on the next digest.
I recently ran into this when writing angular services to wrap the facebook, google, and twitter APIs which, to varying degrees, have callbacks handed in.
Here’s an example from within a service. (For the sake of brevity, the rest of the service — that set up variables, injected $timeout etc. — has been left off.)
window.gapi.client.load('oauth2', 'v2', function() {
var request = window.gapi.client.oauth2.userinfo.get();
request.execute(function(response) {
// This happens outside of angular land, so wrap it in a timeout
// with an implied apply and blammo, we're in action.
$timeout(function() {
if(typeof(response['error']) !== 'undefined'){
// If the google api sent us an error, reject the promise.
// Resolve the promise with the whole response if ok.
Note that the delay argument for $timeout is optional and will default to 0 if left unset ($timeout calls $browser.defer which defaults to 0 if delay isn’t set)
A little non-intuitive, but that’s the answer from the guys writing Angular, so it’s good enough for me!