Sadly my “reply” link for threaded comments is not working.

The current situation:

First i load the comments reply script (check if scripts content load: works) into the <head> using two functions (the first wp_register_script() at the init hook, the second wp_print_scripts() at the wp_head hook):

Then i add the Reply link:

         'reply_text'   => __( 'Reply', OXO_TEXTDOMAIN )
        ,'depth'        => isset( $args['args']['depth'] ) ? $args['args']['depth'] : (int) 3
        ,'max_depth'    => isset( $args['args']['max_depth'] ) ? $args['args']['max_depth'] : (int) 5

which produces this html-output (example)

<a onclick="return addComment.moveForm("comment-11", "11", "respond", "149")" href="" class="comment-reply-link">Reply</a>

I got everything according to any recommendation i read:

My comments are within a <div id="comments"> and the comments form above it within a <div id="respond">.

I still get dropped to the #respond-anchor and the comment form above the comments (http://localhost/wordpress/?p=149&cpage=2&replytocom=11#respond), instead of getting the comment form displayed below the comment i want to reply to.

What may i do wrong?

Google, tutorials, how-to and else were so far of no help. Everything seems to be according to the recommended standard…

Thanks a lot.


Don’t link the script file directly. Enqueue it instead, e.g. in functions.php:

function mytheme_enqueue_comment_reply() {
    // on single blog post pages with comments open and threaded comments
    if ( is_singular() && comments_open() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) { 
        // enqueue the javascript that performs in-link comment reply fanciness
        wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' ); 
// Hook into wp_enqueue_scripts
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'mytheme_enqueue_comment_reply' );

You can also do this, in the document head, prior to the wp_head() call:

// on single blog post pages with comments open and threaded comments
if ( is_singular() && comments_open() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) { 
    // enqueue the javascript that performs in-link comment reply fanciness
    wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' ); 


Hooking into wp_head, rather than e.g. wp_print_scripts, is important. The wp_print_scripts does not work in the same way that wp_print_styles does, to output stylesheet links.

So: if you’re using wp_print_scripts, change the hook to wp_head.


Based on your pastebin-linked code, have you tried the following, to rule out potential issues?

  1. Remove callback function from wp_comment_list()
  2. Move wp_comment_list() call to before comment_form() call
  3. Remove the argument array from comment_form()

I don’t know that any of those will solve your problem, but they may help us track down its origin.

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