Convert shortcode into html form [closed]

I want to convert this shortcode.


To ouput like this one (html form)

<ul class="one">

1 Answer

First off, your shortcodes are not formatted correctly for WordPress.

You need to have a tag for your shortcode and then define the attributes separately.

Instead of [list-style="one"][/list-style] it needs to be something like [list class="one"][/list]

The following code will add two shortcodes to your WordPress install.
[list] and [li]

// shortcode for the list
function LIST_shortcode( $atts, $content ) {

    // get the options defined for this shortcode
    extract( shortcode_atts( array(
        'class'     => '',
        'id'        => '',
        'type'      => 'ul'
    ), $atts ) );

    // output a list and do_shortcode for <li> elements
    return '<' . $type . ' class="' . $class . '" id="' . $id . '">' . do_shortcode( $content ) . '</' . $type . '>';
add_shortcode( 'list', 'LIST_shortcode' );

// shortcode for the list items
function LI_shortcode( $atts, $content ) {

    // get the options defined for this shortcode
    extract( shortcode_atts( array(
        'class'     => '',
        'id'        => '',
    ), $atts ) );

    // return list element
    return '<li class="' . $class . '" id="' . $id . '">' . do_shortcode( $content ) . '</li>';
add_shortcode( 'li', 'LI_shortcode' );

You would then use these like so:

[list class="one"][li]A[/li][li]B[/li][li]C[/li][li]D[/li][/list]

My code also allows you to also..

Define an ID attribute: [list id="someid"]

Define the list type: [list type="ol"]

For this code to work, add it to your theme’s functions.php file or create a plugin out of it.

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