Counting the posts of a loop (WP_Query)?

I tried this way to display NO of post:

 $news_2 = new WP_Query( array ('post_type'=> 'jobs','posts_per_page'=> '10' , 'meta_key' => 'status_for_jobs','meta_value' => '1') );
  if ( $news_2->have_posts() ) { while ( $news_2->have_posts() ) { $news_2->the_post();

  $count = $news_2->post_count;


    <li><h3><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3></li>

    <?php } } ?> <?php wp_reset_query(); ?> 

if the NO of post = 0 i need to display this :-

 $news_2 = new WP_Query( array ('post_type'=> 'jobs','posts_per_page'=> '10' , 'meta_key' => 'status_for_jobs','meta_value' => '1') );
  if ( $news_2->have_posts() ) { while ( $news_2->have_posts() ) { $news_2->the_post();

  $count = $news_2->post_count;

  if ($count  == '0') {

  <li><h3><a href="">No Post</a></h3></li>

  } else {
    <li><h3><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3></li>

<?php  }  ?>

    <?php } } ?> <?php wp_reset_query(); ?> 

But instead of the total of posts, I not getting any thing.

Any suggestions to fix this?

2 s

Some additional information, no need to count the posts again, because WP_Query already did that for you. To clarify this, some information from the Class Reference of WP_Query as found in the »Properties« section:

The number of posts being displayed.

The total number of posts found matching the current query parameters

What this means is

  1. $post_count won’t give you the total post count. It will most likely give you the number of posts you’ve defined with the post_per_page parameter, unless you’ve fewer posts than that or you’re on the last page and there are only fewer posts left.
  2. $found_posts can be used to get the total number of post related to a specific query. So there is no need to count them again.

In your case you can get the total count into your $count variable like this:

$count = $news_2->found_posts;

Besides of that @helgatheviking is right that, from what you’ve shown in your question, you don’t need a extra conditional, but can just use the have_posts() method, in the conditional you already have, for that, like she suggested.

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