Create New Site (multisite); can’t get subdomain to work

I’m busy working on a website for myself, and within this (WordPress) website I want to create a new (multisite) site. First I wanted to do everything according to several tutorials on the internet, but then it turned out to be already done by the theme I bought.

When I go to “Network Admin > Sites > Add New” there is obviously an option to add a new site. The only thing is is that it isn’t a subdomain, it is just a new page/site after the slash (…). So:

The option now

When actually I just want

I hope someone can help me with this! I can’t get it to work, unfortunately.


1 Answer

This is the problem with Multisite setup. Check your wp-config.php file. Right under define(‘MULTISITE’, true); you should have this:

define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, true);

If this is set to true you will be able to add new sites as subdomains. After you do this re-check in wp-admin, what extra lines you need to add to .htaccess and wp-config and you are ready to go.

Once you create a new subdomain website check if it works, if you get an error message don’t worry, you probably just need to add A record for your domain that ponts to your subdomain.

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