Creating a Dynamic Path to wp-blog-header.php

Created a class in an external script which is dependent on the WordPress environment.
Since it’s a class I intend to use on various projects, I decided to dynamically create a path to wp-blog-header.php and here’s what I came up with. It currently works for me, but I need to ensure that its foolproof.

$scriptName = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
$queryArray = explode("", $scriptName);
$queryLength = count($queryArray);

require_once($docRoot . ($queryLength > 2 ? "".$queryArray[$queryLength - 2] : "" ) . '/wp-blog-header.php');

Does anyone have a better solution or is this good enough to rely on, regardless of script location or WP installation setup?

4 Answers

In the generic case, there is no performant solution other than to check every file and folder that is publicly accessible, and then all the parent folders.

Since this is not a feasible or excusable operation to perform on every page load or request, you’re left with two other options:

  • Define the location manually, which is not an unreasonable request
  • Make assumptions and expectations about where WordPress can be found relative to your file

The latter is what you’ll be relying on if you want to automate things.

Issues I see with your code:

  • It assumes that WordPress is either in the same folder or 2 folders up

If you’re okay with those assumptions, then yes, your code is safe to use

However I would recommend you roll your external script into WordPress as a plugin.

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