Creating a Wordpess Plugin that writes data to a csv file. The data doesn’t show in the csv file?

I am writing my first WordPress Plugin that should simply write data to a csv file. This is the code, I can’t figure out why the data won’t write to the csv file?

add_action('admin_menu', 'myfirstplugin_admin_actions');
function myfirstplugin_admin_actions() {
add_options_page('MyFirstPlugin', 'MyFirstPlugin', 'manage_options', __FILE__, 'myfirstplugin_admin');

function myfirstplugin_admin()

$label = "Entries";

$entries = RGFormsModel::get_form_counts(1);
echo "The Form count for Form #1 is: ".$entries['total'].".";

$cvslabel = array ($label);
$cvsnumber = array ($entries);

$plugin_dir = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ );
$logfile = $plugin_dir . 'data.csv';

$fp = fopen($logfile, 'w');

fwrite($fp, $cvslabel);
fwrite($fp, $cvsnumber);


Can someone explain to me why it won’t work? And what i need to do so it will simply write the data to the csv file. I want the data to be dynamic so it will refresh the data in the csv file automatically.

1 Answer

Your WordPress code is correct, the problem is the incorrect 2nd param to PHP’s frwite(), which needs to be a string, and you’re passing arrays.

I think you want something like:

fwrite ($fp, "$label\n") ;
fwrite ($fp, implode (',', array_keys ($entries)) . "\n") ;
fwrite ($fp, implode (',', array_values ($entries)) . "\n") ;

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