The default WordPress function get_users('orderby=post_count');
only orders users with the count of the posts they’ve made.
Any idea how to modify this to support custom post types as well?
I only want to query posts of type “company-item”. Currently, this snippet is in my functions.php:
function user_query_count_post_type($args) {
$args->query_from = str_replace("post_type = post AND", "post_type IN ('company-item') AND ", $args->query_from);
And this is in my page template:
$showrooms = get_users('orderby=post_count&role=company&order=desc');
foreach ($showrooms as $showroom) : ?>
<a href="<?php echo get_author_posts_url( $showroom->id ); ?>" ><img src="<?php echo $showroom->company_logo; ?>" title="<?php echo $showroom->company_name; ?>" /></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>