I’m questioning how i can get rid of the post-editor (visual + html). I tried to not register post type support, and it still appears (de-registering works fine with every other default meta box on post edit screen). I also tried to deregister it with remove_meta_box, which didn’t work too (works for everything else except the title meta box). Maybe i’m missing something. Already searched the web and couldn’t find anything. I hope someone can tell me. Thanks!

Ps. I would be happy about a sollution for disabling the title field too, but that’s 2nd (not registering it with the post type works).

(WordPress version is 3.0.4.)

5 s

Giving a blank array to ‘supports’ in the declaration of the post type should get rid of the editor and the title, along with every other default box in the edit post page.

$supports = array ('');
    $args = array(
      'label' => 'people',
      'supports' => $supports,
      'hierarchical' => false,
      'public' => true,
      'rewrite' => true

    register_post_type( 'people', $args);

alt text
Populate ‘supports’ with whichever elements you want to show up, such as trackbacks, comments, etc. Or just leave it blank to leave the page empty, except for the box that lets you save your posts. Make sure to visit here if you want to get rid of hierarchical taxonomy metaboxes as well.

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