First of all I am a WordPress learner. So sorry if my code looks stupid!
I have created a custom theme with a custom user role. I am not developing any plugin.
In my fucntions.php file I have written the following code to create a User role. Users assigned to this role are supposed to login to the admin but only be able to access their Profile pages.
add_action('init', 'yrc_cst_register_role_customer_service_rep');
* Register new user role
function yrc_cst_register_role_customer_service_rep() {
$wp_roles = new WP_Roles();
$service_rep_caps = array(
'read' => false,
'create_posts' => false,
'edit_posts' => false,
'edit_others_posts' => false,
'publish_posts' => false,
'manage_categories' => false,
'manage_options' => false,
add_role('customer_service', __('Customer Service'), $service_rep_caps);
I have removed all roles except Administrator, because no other role is required for this portal. Administrator will only create Users with Customer Service role.
I have no third party plugin installed in the system.
Users with the custom role are able to login to the system through a custom login page which is working OK. But whenever they are trying to access their Profile page the following error message comes up:
Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
Is there anything like 'edit_profile' => true
I must be doing something wrong but my limited knowledge is not enough to figure this out. Any suggestion would be highly appreciated.