I’ve added a role of “Customer” and I am working on customizing the Users Screen for that role. What I’d like to do is customize columns based on that particular role.


For example, take a look at the screenshot. How would I remove the reference to the posts column for only the customer role?

Example of current "Customer" screen

3 Answers

Manage Columns

It’s pretty straight forward using the manage_{post-type-name}_columns filter: Just switch per $capability and unset what you don’t need in the $post_columns array.

function wpse19435_manage_columns( $posts_columns )
    // First role: add a column - take a look at the second function
    if ( current_user_can( $capability_admin ) )
        $posts_columns['some_column_name'] = _x( 'Whatever', 'column name' );
    // second role: remove a column
    elseif ( current_user_can( $capability_other_role ) )
        unset( $posts_columns['comments'] );
    // default
        // do stuff for all other roles

    return $posts_columns;
add_filter( 'manage_{post-type-name}_columns', 'wpse19435_manage_columns' );

Add a column

function wpse19435_manage_single_column( $column_name, $id ) 
    switch( $column_name ) 
        case 'some_column_name' :
            // do stuff

        default :
            // do stuff

add_action('manage_{post-type-name}_custom_column', 'wpse19435_manage_single_column', 10, 2);

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