My background – 4 weeks old in the Hadoop world. Dabbled a bit in Hive, Pig and Hadoop using Cloudera’s Hadoop VM. Have read Google’s paper on Map-Reduce and GFS (PDF link).

I understand that-

  • Pig’s language Pig Latin is a shift
    from(suits the way programmers think)
    SQL like declarative style of
    programming and Hive’s query language closely
    resembles SQL.

  • Pig sits on top of Hadoop and in
    principle can also sit on top of
    Dryad. I might be wrong but Hive is
    closely coupled to Hadoop.

  • Both Pig Latin and Hive commands
    compiles to Map and Reduce jobs.

My question – What is the goal of having both when one (say Pig) could serve the purpose. Is it just because Pig is evangelized by Yahoo! and Hive by Facebook?

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