Difference between Role and GrantedAuthority in Spring Security

There are concepts and implementations in Spring Security, such as the GrantedAuthority interface to get an authority to authorize/control an access.

I would like that to permissible operations, such as createSubUsers, or deleteAccounts, which I would allow to an admin (with role ROLE_ADMIN).

I am getting confused as the tutorials/demos I see online. I try to connect what I read, but I think we treat the two interchangeably.

I see hasRole consuming a GrantedAuthority string? I most definitely am doing it wrong in understanding. What are these conceptually in Spring Security?

How do I store the role of a user, separate from the authorities for that role?

I’m also looking at the org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.UserDetails interface which is used in the authentication-provider referenced DAO, which consumes a User (note last GrantedAuthority):

public User(String username, 
            String password, 
            boolean enabled, 
            boolean accountNonExpired,
            boolean credentialsNonExpired, 
            boolean accountNonLocked, 
            Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities)

Or is there any other way to differentiate the other two? Or is it not supported and we have to make our own?

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