Anyone know how to disable this functionality so the meta boxes can’t be repositioned?


I had the same problem, and Google lead me here. Unfortunately none of these answers helped, but I ultimately figured out the answer, and it’s quite easy!

  1. First, enqueue a JavaScript file (I won’t rehash this process; there are many tutorials that can describe this process better than I). I hooked into admin_enqueue_scripts, and it worked fine.
  2. Disable the sorting functionality by putting this in that JavaScript file:

    jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
            disabled: true
        $('.postbox .hndle').css('cursor', 'pointer');

Essentially this just disables jQuery UI Sortable, which powers the metabox dragging functionality ( This also switches the cursor on the metabox handle to a standard mouse pointer instead of a move cursor (idea courtesy of brasofilo below).

Hope this helps!

Edit: I should add that it’s probably worth following some of the other advice here and disabling the saving of the metabox order. It will prevent confusion on the off-chance something gets mistakenly re-enabled.

Second edit: For the benefit of future generations (and future Google searchers), this fix was tested on WordPress 3.3.1. I can’t speak to other versions!

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